The Secret

Congratulations to Luis for his winning submission to the Physician Grind first ever Narrative Medicine Contest. He won a $50 gift certificate to FIGS Scrubs. Here is his winning submission. 

As a nurse in his mid-thirties working with an older patient population, it is difficult to avoid thinking about my own mortality. I wonder what condition my body will be in when I retire, how do I keep my spirits up in the sunset of my life. To help set my mind at easy I ask my older patient, anyone over the age of 80, who appear in great physical and mental shape the same question. What is the secret? In no particular order, here are my top three favorite responses: 

Old man #1 “Good whiskey and bad women” 

Old man #2 “I am a son-of-a-bitch” 

Old woman #1 “You have to find someone with your same interest, someone who cares about you and makes you feel like you are their world. I met my husband in middle school so we grew up together. Sometimes things will be hard, nothing is perfect but you have to water your grass if you want it to grow. Be kind, be loving and don’t trust a woman who says she has guy friends. She is probably a hoe.” 

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Luis' BIo is below keep scroling

Luis Bio Picture for Physician Grind Narrative Medicine Blog



Emergency Medicine Nurse. Hobbies: Wrestling with ornery patients, and globe-trotting. He is an expert on all things related to WuTang and Rick and Morty.

"Are you a terrorist?"

"Are you a terrorist?"